CMC LogoTr (004)-250-250

Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research


ppe is hot and outside with no fan or AC taking a swab is a sweaty job
Taking swabs from asymptomatic patients in full PPE – a hot job

CMC is making full use of the outside areas around the hospital. The outside areas reduce the spread of COVID. Also, the kiosk to take a COVID swab from asymptomatic patients is in the Alpha Clinic area, outside by the cafe.

Spare a thought for the staff doing these swabs. Staff wear full PPE to take the swabs. But this area has no overhead fans and no air conditioning. So it will be very hot when wearing PPE! The kiosk also keeps the person taking the swab safe, but even hotter.

alpha Kiosk that used to be the cafe now welcomes people for COVID swabs
Asymptomatic patients report to the alpha kiosk – an outside area to reduce the risk of catching COVID. This was the cafe!
person hands over swab to the outside staff
The patient hands the swab over to the staff member outside the booth
Man stands readyt to have his swab taken
Standing by the booth ready for the swab to be taken once mask removed
ppe is hot and outside with no fan or AC taking a swab is a sweaty job
Taking swabs from asymptomatic patients in full PPE – a hot job
person inside the booth places the swab into the tube held by person outside
The swab is then placed into the bottle held by the person outside the booth
staff member outside must break the top off the swab stick so it fits in the bottle
Breaking off the top of the swab, so it fits into the bottle then screw the lid on

Symptomatic patients are tests in another part of the hospital.

Please help protect our staff and patients. Donate to help buy PPE here:

Thank you.

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