23-year-old homemaker Saral* lives in Vellore with her husband, a labourer in a brick kiln. The young couple were looking forward to the birth of their first child. However, at a routine prenatal check-up at CMC’s CHAD Hospital, her blood pressure was found to be dangerously high. Knowing the risks to both mother and child, they were quickly transferred to CMC’s Town Campus. The medical team at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology advised an emergency C-section. The couple was unprepared for this, both mentally and financially. That day, Saral’s precious baby boy was born. Unfortunately, her baby contracted a viral infection after birth.
The Neonatal team tirelessly cared for the new-born. Through the dedication of the medical team and the compassionate care provided, both mother and child recovered well.
The Emergency fund helps patients like Saral and her baby to access treatment as quickly as possible without worrying about the costs. It is our dream never to turn a patient away for financial reasons. Will you help make this dream a reality? The fund grants up to ₹70,000 for a patient’s treatment. A gift of ₹20,000 or more will help our deserving patients and make a huge difference!
*Name changed. Picture and story used with patient’s consent. Contributed by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.