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Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

Saving Sight for Children

Salim* lives with his wife and 4 sons in Gudiyattam near Vellore. He owns a chicken shop and his wife is a home maker. His boys keep him busy all the time. Especially his youngest son, Abu*. Salim shares a story when Abu almost lost sight in one eye:

One evening Abu and his cousins were playing outside. Suddenly Abu ran crying into the house with his face buried in his hands. I was terrified when I saw a piece of roof tile sticking out of his left eye. I carefully pulled out the piece from his eye. There was no blood, but his eye turned red and he could not see clearly. I panicked. My wife and I rushed Abu to the CMC’s Schell Eye hospital. Abu had a perforation where the tile had pierced the eye, and it needed suturing. The doctor told us that Abu would have lost sight in his left eye if we had delayed coming to the hospital. Today, Abu has a tiny scar but his eyesight is perfect!

Salim and his son Abu

Salim is extremely grateful for the financial support that covered the cost of Abu’s surgery. He focuses on the future and brings Abu for regular eye check-ups.

The Person-To-Person (PTP) fund covers the cost of such sight-saving procedures for children in CMC’s Schell Eye hospital. This Children’s Day, donate ₹10,000 to PTP – and see with your own eyes the impact you can have on a child and their family.

*Name changed. Picture and story shared with patient’s consent. Contributed by Department of Ophthalmology, CMC Vellore

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