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Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

Radha’s Story

24-year-old Radha* lives with her family in a village in Tiruvannamalai District, an hour away from Vellore. Years ago, her brother suffered from a traumatic brain injury. Their father is the only bread winner in the family now. Radha’s mother shares their experience of healing at CMC. 

At the Dermatology OPD for Radha’s check up

Two years ago, Radha developed painful wounds on her lips and in her mouth. The wounds looked like ulcers and would sometimes bleed. She was struggling to eat. I took her to nearby hospitals. Tests were done and she was given medication but the wounds only got worse. I finally decided to bring Radha to CMC Vellore. She was diagnosed to have a herpes infection (recurrent herpes-associated erythema multiforme). Radha was admitted for five days in CMC. I was worried about the treatment bills. Much to my surprise, CMC took care of the bills. We were provided with food during Radha’s stay in the general ward. The doctors are very caring, one of the them noticed that I had cracks on my feet. She gave me a cream to apply every day – now the cracks are all gone. I am extremely grateful for the help we received.”

Radha is on regular medication to treat the outbreak of symptoms. She continues to visit CMC for regular check-ups with the Dermatology Department.

Last year, the Emergency Fund supported 128 patients like Radha by 700+ generous friends like you. This year, we seek 1000 helping hands to raise at least ₹10,000/- each towards helping 160+ patients. Donate today and make a difference!

* Name changed. Picture and story used with consent.

Contributed by the Department of Dermatology

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