Act F.A.S.T!
Did you know that one in four people are likely to have a stroke? On World Stroke Day, #DontBeTheOne – think prevention and act F.A.S.T.!

Amrita* was getting her family ready for the day, when suddenly her face became distorted and paralysed on one side. Within minutes, her right arm and leg became limp, and she couldn’t stand. Immediately, her family rushed her to CMC Hospital. By this time, she couldn’t speak. “She is having a massive stroke,” the Emergency doctors alerted the Rapid Response Stroke Team.
Amrita had a big clot blocking blood flow to her brain. Since she arrived early, the team were hopeful of rescuing her from permanent brain damage. Within half an hour, they successfully removed the clot and saved her. The very next day, she was able to move her arm. Within two weeks, she was smiling, walking and even talking a little bit. Speech therapists and rehabilitation specialists are helping her get better.
A stroke is a life-threatening block in the blood supply to the brain. However, if you can spot the symptoms and act F.A.S.T., you can save a life and reduce the effects of a stroke.
Face drooping – is their smile uneven?
Arm weakness – can they raise both arms & keep them up?
Speech difficulty – does their speech sound slurred or unclear?
Time to act – If they have any of these symptoms, rush to the hospital. Every minute counts
Friends like you make it possible to help people like Amrita. Donate to CMC and save a life today! Act F.A.S.T.!
Thank you for your support,
Hugh Skeil
Development Office, CMC Vellore
PS: Read more about World Stroke Day #DontBeTheOne
*name changed
Story contributed by the Department of Neurological Sciences