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Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

Vaccinate Vellore


A study done in CMC Vellore and published in the journal, Mayo Clinic proceedings says hospitalisation with Covid can be avoided to a large extent when a person has taken both doses of a vaccine. Read the article here. The importance of taking the vaccine cannot be more emphasised than this.

vaccinating the staff at CMC Vellore

CMC Vellore in collaboration with the state government has launched the ‘Vaccinate Vellore Campaign’ that aims at reaching the vaccine even for the unreached. The rural community, the slums around Vellore, the common man. Every single person must have access to taking a vaccine!


Our outreach peripheries have been working hard to make this a reality

CONCH (College of Nursing Community Health) uses the relationship they have with 25 villages around Vellore. they have conducted awareness campaigns in the villages urging the people to take the vaccine. The response has been encouraging. 814 people have been vaccinated through their efforts. (as on 08 July 2021)

With the help of visual aids, the nurses from CONCH have been visiting villages around Vellore, educating the community about the importance of taking the vaccine.

Awareness camps

CONCH has also helped educate the workers in the new Kannigapuram Campus about the vaccine and held vaccination camps for them.


RUHSA has been actively campaigning and vaccinating the people in the community. More than 1,000 people have been vaccinated in KV Kuppam, RUHSA.

Registering before vaccination
Awareness camp in RUHSA
Vaccinating an elderly woman
Intently listening

The more we vaccinate, the more the chances we can break the transmission cycle of the virus.

If you would like to support our ‘Vaccinate Vellore’ Campaign click below.

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One person dies every four minutes on India’s roads.

Act today. You can save a life!

Support CMC’s new Trauma Care Centre at the Kannigapuram Campus