CMC LogoTr (004)-250-250

Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

125 years of CMC Vellore


In 1900, Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder started a one-bed dispensary and treated
over 10,000 patients in two years. However, she saw many patients still unreached
and outside the ambit of medical services. So in 1906, she and her team
began setting up roadside clinics. Initially using bullock-carts and later
motorised vehicles. Holding clinics under trees, they earned the respect of
local people. ‘Doctor Amma’ became a symbol of care for the marginalised. This
outreach became integral to the ethos of CMC – continues into 2025 and will
be central to CMC’s work in the future as well.

As part of the 125 years celebration, outreach for the rural and urban poor, is being enhanced through numerous health camps, in and around Vellore. We invite you to celebrate this historic milestone with us! Click on the image below for information and for details on how you can support this outreach work.

Rehab Mela

The Rehab Mela is an annual 3-day event in February that offers medical support and opportunities for the patients recovering from spinal cord injuries to discover their talents through cultural, arts and sports activities. They interact with the multidisciplinary team and learn from alumni in the community of people with disabilities.

Click here to read Rani’s story of strength and hope.

Watch this space for more health camps coming up this year

Donation Information

Thank you for visiting our donations website. If you would like further information about any aspect of our charitable activities, or how to donate, please complete:

Make a Suggestion or Complaint

If you have any complaint or suggestions about your treatment at CMC please fill in the following:

One person dies every four minutes on India’s roads.

Act today. You can save a life!

Support CMC’s new Trauma Care Centre at the Kannigapuram Campus